Aurora Indica Nirvana 200 watt Cfl grow pics


Well-Known Member
IMG00078-20110126-1339.jpgIMG00079-20110126-1340.jpgGuys, after almost 1 year i am back. I will be doing a grown jurnal for a new box grow at my friends house. Here's the info...
Strain: Nirvana Aurora Indica Fem. We will be planting 3-4
Lights: 2 42 watt 5 18 watt, will be buying one more 42 watt to make it 216 watts total.
Soil: I hear Miracle grow products getting trashed on all the time but i bought a nice bag or miracle grown potting soil at my grocery, it says it has nutrients for 3 months. And dont try to talk me out of it haha i know mg isnt the best but its what we have.
Nute's: We will only be using nutrients in flower cycle, we have 30-10-10 mg orchid food.
Time: I would like to flower after 4-5 weeks of veg, i would like to flower for 6-8 weeks, we will start flushing two weeks prior to harvesting

The Freebird

Active Member
That's quite the cluster of lights you got goin on there lol. I'm sure your seedling will love it when you finally get them. Hope all goes well