aurora seed starting problem


I ordered aurora seeds from one of the larger seed banks. My other seeds I ordered at the same time started very well in wet paper towel and a splash of hydrogen peroxide. But the aurora started to grem but then stopped. It also had what looked like a water droplet of water coming out of the side of the opened seed with a small tap root. I put in rockwool cube and all growth stopped. I am on my second try and am at the same result, but this time I placed the rockwool in a baggie and set in a dark cabinet. I only have three more seedes and I realy dont want to have to reorder. any help, please.


try just putting it in the rockwool, put that in a plastic tupperware bowl and cover that with saran wrap with a few holes poked in it, i would put a warm source next to it (ie lightsource, heating pad)