Aussie outdoor giant trees 20 ft+

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
These trees are long gone now
Yeah I guess it would have to be since it's in Australia. I've always wondered what letting one of my plants go natural instead of topping or mainlining would end up looking like. Guessing something along those lines. Good job!


Sector 5 Moderator
We're going to have to coin a new superlative for this. Was this grown in just one season?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Lol I live in the great lakes region. And no.... I always survive a frost or two or three and they are frosty and perfect!!!!
I can make it til a lil after mid oct for harvest so I am limited on what I can grow sadly enough. I've always wondered what I could pull off in a season like cali......and hey... btw thanks!