Aussie WA Grow.


Well-Known Member
I started growing this Plant in September Last Year.
I've took a few pictures over the months of her progress.

Tell me what you guys think, Also this my first plant so If you pick up on something I'm doing completely wrong please feel free to tell me how much of an idiot I am.

September 2013 :

October 2013:

December 2013:
Around this time this is where the Australian heat was too much for her.
Few days later that didn't stop her from.

January 2014:
She turned hermi and started dropping seeds, You can see a few plants making way in her pot.

February 2014: (Most Recent)
After dealing with some pesky Spidermites, You can see she is bulking up.

This is just basic Potting Mix from the local store grow. I feed her once a day because the Aussie heat dry's out the soil pretty quickly. I mist her during night with water and rosemary as I've heard its good for repelling bugs. I also use a little bit of Budlink Silca to help her with general growth every now and then but not as often as I think I should.

Tell me what you think. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I think she looks very healthy.
As a Brit I'm envious of people who can do an outdoor
without wading through sludge.


Well-Known Member
Looks good mate !
This is my out door Ice in Vic !
grow 028.jpg
I suffered those 42c + temps aswell bro , we had it for 5 days straight , plants did not like it at all .


Well-Known Member
I think she looks very healthy.
As a Brit I'm envious of people who can do an outdoor
without wading through sludge.
Thanks man, That sucks! It's hard to grow anything out here sometimes, Recently we had 44 Celsius type weather for the longest time.

Looks good mate !
This is my out door Ice in Vic !
View attachment 2981133
I suffered those 42c + temps aswell bro , we had it for 5 days straight , plants did not like it at all .
Yeah those Aussie Summers are brutal! She's looking mighty fine man!


Well-Known Member
On hot days I just make sure to give them partial shade instead of being boiled under a sun.
As of this moment I'm working on an indoor grow.

My outdoor plant is looking healthy, But unfortunately she lot most of her buds when she started seeding so I'm not expecting any high yields but for my first plant I'm pretty impressed she made it this far.


Well-Known Member

Some fucker has been gnawing on my plant.
I've been tempted to get some lady bugs or lacewings to take out my pest problem.


Well-Known Member
Wish summer would fuck off! Definitely going to be doing the sativa thing next year..been 46 3 says in a row...sheesh


Well-Known Member
It's about 30 - 35 in Perth right about now, I hope it doesnt get any higher than that in the next coming weeks.
I'm getting some neem oil today in hopes that this will fight the Aphids and other creepy crawly's that are slowly shredding my plant right now.

My baby Kerla Krush Sativa just sprouted today, Giving a good week on the window seal before I even think about taking it outside but I might just end up using this as a indoor plant.

Also medigrow420, Those look great! autumn is around the corner!