Australia Sucks Big Doo-Doos


Well-Known Member
Over the past few months, we Australians have been assailed by the media hyping up the new movie by Baz Luhrmann, 'Australia'.

Critics were forbidden to comment on the movie until after its world premiere, but some hinted that it was far less than it claimed.

Well, after reading and hearing of a number of reviews, seeing some trailers and clips from the movie, and seeing a plethora of interviews and special programs, I have decided not to see the movie. I've also decided to go on a rant and implore any non-Australians to please not take this movie as an accurate picture of what life was like in the 30's in Australia. Please oh please don't think that this movie depicts a typical Australia.

It is a big piece of dog doo-doo.

As for the actors. Hugh Jackman should rue the day he agreed to star in this 'Gone With the Wind' remake.
Nicole Kidman should seriously lay off the botox and go back to acting school...or stop acting.

PLUS, both of them have seriously insulted aboriginals and aboriginal culture just this week in germany:


Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
This movie looked pretty stupid anyway. Even if it was true. Hugh Jackman sucks. And Australia is like the 2nd most boring continent. Sorry, but you know it's true.