Auto Ak Taking Ages


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I have an Auto Ak that is absolutely HUGE
its def a sativa dom.
Its literally getting so big and fat but it just keeps putting out white hairs (calyx)
The old ones pull back in but then its full of new white ones and it keeps getting fatter...

How long can this go on? its been like fucking 3 months and its an Auto.
Granted - it took a while to start flowering. but its been going for what seems like ages now.
Should i wait and let it mutate into the fattest blob ever or do i just cut it down?

Im sure the fact that it keeps pushing new white hairs means its just going to continue to fatten.
But where is the limit? when do i reach diminishing returns?
Also, who does this plant think it is?
all my others finished 3 weeks ago and this one looks like it still has long to go.
I'm going to be growing auto Jack herer this year, first time. From what I've read from doing countless research on auto strains is don't necessarily go by the flowering time suggested.

Do you have a magnifier or a loupe to check the trichomes?