Auto AK

One of my auto AK appears to be only developing 5 blade leaves, It now has three sets of 5 blade leaves and no seven blade leaves yet. Is this normal? if not why could it be happening? i no i got my plants in pots that are WAY to small and my soil is not very good at all. Just curious if anyone has any ideas? ill post some pictures here shortly in a different post . I thought they were supposed to get 1 set of 1 blade 1 set of 3 blade 1 set of 5, 7 and so on if your going to get more blades then seven.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look healthy dude. Don't worry about number of leaves on each leaf. Be patient. My first few sets of leaves never really have 7 leaves. Your goal should be to keep your plant healthy and green. If you feel growth is slow I say add some more lighting. You can never have to much light.

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Things are looking good dude. Color is great w no noticeable deficiencies. How old are they (sorry if I missed that)?

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
They look pretty much right on track. I would suggest you know the age of your plants though if possible. +\- 1 wk when your plants are that young can be huge.