AUTO AK47 and bagseed test plant. GROW #2


Well-Known Member
Hello once again. I'm back for a second go around. This time I will be using a 400w hps when it gets here of course. I have the ak47 and the bagseed started under a long tube fluro at less than a 1/2 inch away from the little babies. The ak seed sprouted and joined the world on 12/04/2008. The bagseed I'm not worried about I am going to be using it to learn with (topping, cloning, lst) Different things like that. I figure I won't hurt anything if I fuck it up since it came out of a bad of shwag I got about two months ago. Also I am going to soil this time and not hydro like the last grow. Organic nutrients this time also. The next time I water the ak seedling I will be adding her first dose of nutes. The nutes are fish emulsions for right now I am going to be going back to the nursery for some more grow nutes. I'll go snap some pics real quick and I hope some people stick around for this. Should be WAY better than my first attempt. :weed::joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
First pic is the AK47 seedling, second pic is the retarded bagseed seedling. Had the seed still stuck on her when she came up so thats why she looks retarded. Let me know what you guys think. Also soil is from my compost pile been brewing it for about a year now so should be some pretty good stuff. Enjoy, more pics to come as soon as they start getting bigger. :bigjoint::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Looks like you are off to a good start bro.

You should consider investing in some CFL's


Well-Known Member
I do have cfls. I have two big 85 watters 2 42 watters and 2 23 watters. I am using the long tube fluro because I was still using the cfls on my first ak47 grow while I started the other ak47. Also this one is in soil and the other two where in DWC/Bubbleponics. I am using the fluro for my veg chamber when the 400 HPS gets here on thursday. I am moving the ak into the flower room with the hps also. Stick around to what happens man.


Well-Known Member
Day number 13 for my little lady. I fed her, her first taste of the fish elmusions this morning and when I got home DEFFINANTLY notcied a difference. Nice really green leaves and growth is seemed to speed up today especially. I only fed less than a 1/4 strength of what it said on the bottle. I'm going to do a watering in between of straight water and then another dose of the fish nutrients. I'll post some pic updates tommorow. (like anyone is accutally following along.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. HPS came in today. Cant have it till christmas the wife says. (not right if you ask me she got her puppy like a month ago lol) She should react very nicely under it and I can't wait to see what she will do.


Well-Known Member
lol how have i only just found this grow....

Things are looking sicckkkkkk +rep and subscribed

Is CFL better for veg cos as far as im aware vegging needs more of the blue spectrum of light and HPS give mainly the red thus its not great for vegging. I guess it dont really matter since its an auto flowering dwarf so goes into flower real quick.

Christmas is 6 days away? and your on day 14 right? They start flowering apparantly around week 3 so i think you should be good.

Im gonna do a journal for my second grow but not to sure what to grow atm. The lure of auto strains is that they are quick and easy but the yield is questionable. I think i would be lucky to get 6 ounces total out of my first grow i think. I keep thinking WW.......


Well-Known Member
I know I want to do WW so bad I have never really smoked any good weed so this is a way to start, also to save money and to stop messing with these CRAZY street dealers where I live. Ya for veg blue is better cause it has more energy in the wave length. Red is better for flower cause the wave lengths are more spread out and has less eneregy to it. Post some pics in probably a couple days. Not much change right now as I only have one plant going till I get the HPS hooked up.


Well-Known Member
Just a little update. I have realized that I am going to have to transplant the AK47 into a different and bigger pot. I found a 5gl bucket in my shop. Drilled about 8-10 holes in the bottom of the bucket. I added fish emulsions to the 5gl of soil I have left out back about two days ago, about 2 tsp to one gallon. Also 1 1/2 tbsp of epsom salt for some mg. I really do like the whole organic side of growing.

Found my flower nutes that I will be using. Blue Mountain Organics, super cheap and alot of people on here use them and stand by them. 8.45 for 16 oz bottle and makes 32 gallons of mixed nutes. Not bad for only 9 dollars. I guess I'll go take a couple pics. Not much is new though but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, im defo gonna try topping on the next grow. Do you think topping on an auto flowering strain might be a bad idea tho?


Well-Known Member
ya man I heard you can't do any type of training to them. You would accutally be hurting your self and not helping. Since they start auto flowering at about 3 1/2 weeks by the time you got the two shoots going good there would be no more veg time.


Well-Known Member
Well not much has changed yet still slow process right now. Although it kinda seems my bagseed has stopped growing or its just going SUPER slow. I'll post pics after I get the hps set up and everything.


Well-Known Member
75 tops out at 80 during the night when we have the heater on in the house. But thats pretty normal. She is just a bagseed and came up with her seed stuck on her for a couple days.