Auto Blue Mystic cfl grow.

Sup everyone.
I've recently started a cfl grow, now it's at it's 4th or 5th day(not really sure).
  • Strain: Auto Blue Mystic
  • Amount of light: 6x23w CFLs (2700k)
  • Grow area: About 1' deep, 2' wide and 2.5' tall
  • Nutrients: Some kind of universal plant food for vegetative growth and flowering nutes for flowering. (I'm not from the US so the nutes over here are different).
Okay, here come the pictures. If there's anything you'd like to say about my grow/any advice, please do so as this is my first time.


Active Member
Looks good man. Keep those cfl's close like 2-3". I wouldnt bother with nutes for the 1st. couple of weeks, especially if your soil mix has them in it.
Well, it's been 2 days, so here are the new images.
I'm sorry that the pictures aren't taken well, but my camera died after the 2nd shot, so this is all I got.
Is that a normal leaf growth for 2 days?


Active Member
Yes fine, quit worrying and let em grow. I wouldnt fertilize for the 1st. few weeks and then only diluted....


Active Member
i have have one of that straing going now, non auto tho, seriosu training and scrog screen. but i might suggest writing down the rough date that you germed it. i often forget and have screwed myself down the road, definatly good info to keep track of, for feeding, and future reference,