auto flower....Bloom nutes?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys recommend on when I should start adding bloom nutes? My pistils just started to pop about 5 days ago and boy have they grown....after work ill post a pic
Id go half grow half bloom if your using a nutrient line as in half the low recommended bloom mixed with half the low recommended grow amounts and start now if you just have bloom id start at half strength now work in more bloom or up with the bloom over the next couple weeks provided your plants react well
I use Fox Farm soil, AN Micro, Grow and Bloom at appropriate times. 100% except when the plant is small. Never had over nutrient problems. I did have problems with Vermifire soil, but I had nitrogen toxicity with just the soil, no nutes. My plants grow well, very good yields. Lights on 24/0. Strain is Auto Heavy Bud fem, been growing for 1.5 years.
I have sprouted seeds. I need to get them into pots now with growool. Do I add the nutrient Grow or Bloom and at what strength please? Or do I just use water?


What do you guys recommend on when I should start adding bloom nutes? My pistils just started to pop about 5 days ago and boy have they grown....after work ill post a pic
If you are growing in soil, don't fool with the rockwool. It actually slows things down. (I tried starter cubes and they hurt growth). You can't afford anything slowing down the growth of autoflowers. Plant the seeds directly into your full sized pot. You don't want to give any nutrients until the plant is established. There is plenty of nutrition in good soil. I don't start with anything until the plant has probably 5 sets of leaves and a good 6" tall. You want to start with weak nutes, 1/2 strength or less. You don't go to bloom nutes until the plant is flowering (and has stopped growing). The chemical composition of the fertilizer is different for the plants different needs in the different growth cycles.