Auto Flower problems already, + rep for help!

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Hey peeps,

I brought some diesel auto's from attitude but am having germanation problems.

~I have never had this problem before with seeds and am getting stressed out.

The problem is 2 seeds havn't cracked yet after spending 3.5 days between moist paper towels in a warm enviroment in my propagation chamber, the third seed has cracked open but the tap root hasn't grown for 2 days now.

Like i said, i have never had this problem before so i'm not sure what to do next.

Any help and advise would be great and +REPS!!!



Active Member
It could just be bad seeds mate, If you have done everything you have done in the past and they havnt cracked then its more than likely its the seeds. I had similar problems with some VK from Barneys.
Some seeds from my exp do have hard shells and sometimes need a little helping hand, Iv seen a thread before on a site i used in the past, It involved getting a pair of tweezers and by gently placing the seed inbetween the tweezers you can GENTLY pop the shell open.
Hope this helped

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good advise people, i may try the tweezer trick.

I have never had a problem germing before so i suspect it's these auto's.

Im going to germ my free seeds from attitudes june offer.



Sector 5 Moderator
Ditto on the waiting!!!!! I've germed over 50 autos and I can tell you they do take longer. Also, the germ rate is not as good as normal seeds. I would not do the tweezers thing; diemdepyro gave you some good advice about not loving them to death.