Well-Known Member
Hey guys i have been worried about my autos they seem to be looking down with wilted leaves and things ground was dry so added some water with little nutes today but i think im going to start flushing them from now on what is your guys advice?? my bottom leaves seem to be wilting and going yellow or does this mean its nearly ready?? if so y such small buds? but the top growth seems fine should i cut off this yellow wilting leaves below or just leave them be and nature do its work.
Here are some pics so u guys can maybe help me im growing in a peat moss, soil, perlite mix. just give standard nutes even once in awhile i dont think it couuld possibly be nute burn but cant figure out wat it is??
hheres pics guys will be grateful for any advice or help or answer to wats happening?
Here are some pics so u guys can maybe help me im growing in a peat moss, soil, perlite mix. just give standard nutes even once in awhile i dont think it couuld possibly be nute burn but cant figure out wat it is??
hheres pics guys will be grateful for any advice or help or answer to wats happening?