Auto-flowering newb. Lighting help PLEASE!


Active Member
I ordered some seeds and was given a free Blimburn AK Auto seed. I want to start the seed but have no space in my veg room. Can I put it in my flowering room from seed? How harmful is 12/12 from seed to my yield? I'm growing dwc if that helps. Also, I was told the plant flowers when the roots hit the side of the bucket. germinating by paper towel method with taproot being in contact with the paper will it induce flowering? May sound crazy but I just like to cover all basis. Thanks in advance.
Will it grow Scha ya, will it be optimum, na. Will it survive ya but yields will decrease. no stress is best. auto are what they are. you can plant em and f em up and it only really either die's or yields....6grams you know you fing stressed it and dont do it again. Still should be cronic smoke if you last week plain water and cure. imo is just imo.


Well-Known Member
what size light is in your bloom room ?
ive seen some good results from 12/12 but not amazing
from what ive seen it wouldnt be wise to expect more then a 1/4 or 1/2 of what a 24/0 or 20/4 would put out
all its gonna make you do is wish you had more veg room ;)


Well-Known Member
when the roots hit the sides it slows root growth and begins to get ready to flower dwc your plants would be monsters under 24/0 you could easily pull a oz on 12/12 possibly pull a 1/4 lb same setup on 24/0 with some strains
auto your basically telling the plant its ok to flower when ever it would like since you normally run 16 to 24 hours a day for photo and show season change by going 12 12. if it would be a two foot plant under veg 24 hours it would be 2 ft 12/12 cruel thing would be to get half the final dry weight.
If it's just a single seed, I'd just give it a try and anything extra off your auto will just be a bonus. Definitely won't be ideal though.