Auto flowering question


Hey guys I just joined here. I have grown a few times with good results but not a great yield. My biggest was a gnomo automatic that was two feet but only yielded 20Gs. My main question is that I just got new seeds from attitude. Paradise seeds Vertigo and world of seeds northern lights x big bud. if I start them together will I have issues with lighting schedules?, what if one flowers before the other? Any tips or advice ia appreciated. Thanks again -thedmv


Well-Known Member
Autos should be kept under veg lighting(18/6,20/4) and photos will have to be changed to 12/12 to flower. Autos under 12/12 wont get as much light as they should, less photosynthesis, less overall plant activity. As long as they're both autos, theres no reason to change anything.


Active Member
For starters, take in a few deep breaths and relax you're doing fine. There is no problem with any strain flowering before other strains because the "can't" until you decide. They will all continue to veg until you bring the light hours down near or at 12 hours. From there finishing up is easy if you have a strain quide telling flower times. I've harvested a lot of crops all at the same time even if a couple plants need another 7-10 days. The way I understand it - if you harvest a plant a little early you the plant has more of the THC effect and less of the CBD's. I could be incorrect on this last part, but my herb always is stoney enough for me so what the heck. If you want to finish them all off at their mature time, just cut them down as they reach their time.

Your next things to think about in future grows might be how to obtain greater yeilds by increased space, light, pots, air flow circulation, temperature control - the list never ends *)


Active Member
I can now see I need to read up on "Autos". That's the blessing of growing - you never learn it all! It seems I learn some little or big thing every day I grow and research. I learned yesterday I had my CFL's too far away. I have 45 going plus LED's, then HPS to finish with them. So now I need to understand what the heck Autos are - Are they a strain that goes into flowering automatically no matter what the light schedule is?