auto flowers help bad


Well-Known Member
ok so i got my shit ready to go outside almost 6 strains .....but they wont be ready til october so i need a auto flower strain that has big yeild and a pretty good potency to do now so i can harvest in the 1st week of august ....CAN I CLONE A AUTO ? if so give me a good strain that i can pull 200 clones off of and have yeild and some potency.......never grew auto thought they were all shit but now this year i got brain stormed on a early harvest....if i cant clone dont bother telling me anything my big question is CAN I CLONE i did some research and have about another week befor deadline but im not finding much on AUTOS BUT HERE...


Well-Known Member
cant grow an auto big enough before it flowers to get even 1 viable clone, since they flower with age and not light schedule, the clone will be the same age as mom dukes and probably flower within 2 weeks of eachother


Well-Known Member
thats what im reading so far or i would have thought tons of people would have jumped on this idea i said i know nothen about auto flower but wanted to research looks like its not a good plant for me


Well-Known Member
only saw one other poster say they cloned a auto and i have done over 2 hours of research


Well-Known Member
so pretty much u gotta buy 400 seeds and hope 50/50 and thats not worth it to me


Well-Known Member
or do a quick breeding and hope for a ton of seeds and then u still gotta sex so it looks like this is a done deal and ill wait to harvest my shit inside til outsides ready

Green Inferno

Active Member
Can't clone autos.
I'd go for a fast flowering regular strain, like C99. It will finish at the same time an auto will.
And you'll get more, and better quality.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps autos aren't for you.....personally I only grow each his own.....research should have told ya pretty quick that "regular" autos can't be cloned but super autos can within certain just haven't asked the right question in the RIGHT place.....and it AIN'T HERE!...and I beg to differ on auto quality....anyone who says as the above poster stated, is not worthy to grow an auto photo growing friends put theri crap away when I show up with my "auto".....

Green Inferno

Active Member
Perhaps autos aren't for you.....personally I only grow each his own.....research should have told ya pretty quick that "regular" autos can't be cloned but super autos can within certain just haven't asked the right question in the RIGHT place.....and it AIN'T HERE!...and I beg to differ on auto quality....anyone who says as the above poster stated, is not worthy to grow an auto photo growing friends put theri crap away when I show up with my "auto".....
I'm sure there are decent if not great autos. Like you said, "to each his own". Whatever works best for that particular person.
He said he wanted something he can harvest in the 1st week of August, C99 will do that, and he can clone it.


Well-Known Member
I believe I saw a thread on here where someone cloned Iranian Autos? Or something like that. Autos are an ever-evolving process and breeders are coming out with new strains all the time. The stability of those strains can be questionable. But, as a general rule, the other posters are correct about the ability to clone autos.


Active Member
I'm sure there are decent if not great autos. Like you said, "to each his own". Whatever works best for that particular person.
He said he wanted something he can harvest in the 1st week of August, C99 will do that, and he can clone it.
C99 will finish in early Aug outdoors?How long is the flowering stage? Peace, jethead


Well-Known Member
ok cant be done by august 1st .....DONT know what i was thinking but from a lil more research I ASKED TO MUCH ....Need at least another month i should have started sooner but fuck it i always counted on octobers harvest no big deal wil stil get 2 harvest in outdoors

Green Inferno

Active Member
I'm looking at Attitudes site right now for something that will finish faster than October.
I am still shopping myself, i may find something else I want besides C99.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps autos aren't for you.....personally I only grow each his own.....research should have told ya pretty quick that "regular" autos can't be cloned but super autos can within certain just haven't asked the right question in the RIGHT place.....and it AIN'T HERE!...and I beg to differ on auto quality....anyone who says as the above poster stated, is not worthy to grow an auto photo growing friends put theri crap away when I show up with my "auto".....
ok so i know i will harvest october what auto can i use to give me a 3 month early harvest from now......with big yeild cause i know clones are not an option


Active Member
I believe I saw a thread on here where someone cloned Iranian Autos? Or something like that. Autos are an ever-evolving process and breeders are coming out with new strains all the time. The stability of those strains can be questionable. But, as a general rule, the other posters are correct about the ability to clone autos.
He is correct.


Well-Known Member
wat up Bulla, I became interested in autos as I wanted a crop, while I was waiting for my new line of mothers to mature (fuckin spider mites fucked my shit so I JUST cropped out with some autos indoor under 1000w MH in my veg room. I dont know your situation and how you can get away with all those damn plants outside, given ur in the city....holla... but after I looked at my finished crops, currently not knowing the potency, but jus smoking my scissor from it and feeling nice, its def worth it.... depending on your situation. If you got extra cash kickin around then its an excellent investment. I look at it this way, each seed is roughly 10 bucks, so its 10 bucks a half because in my mind i need to assume i will crop on the lower end and everything else is a plus. PLUS you can just make hash from all the buds.... fuckit. I ran GH greenomatic (10 for like 85 bucks best deal IMO on autos) smells like fruity baby throwup, shortstuff onyx they grow small but dense as fuck and smell a little sour and skunky but different...usually the plants get larger, lowryder diesel ryder they are not in stock or around but this was a beautiful plant. very diesel, but just covered in crystals. I still have shortstuff MI5 going and that is some fruity shit. I got a few freebies still to crack but thats my input. Def worth putting any auto outside for the early harvest.

I am very weary about dr greenthumbs seeds in general as I dont have any solid proof that their elites are truely what they are and the net is spammed up the ASS with the dr BUT everywhere you read the iranian auto's are amazing (spam?). There are picture of these enormous Iranians, but most people go for stealth as the laws are not friendly. I also think the Iranians are semi autoflowering thats why people have been able to successfully clone them and make use of them but I am not gonna say that is the solid truth. Most autos are useless to clone as your just taking a branch away from the source that has a limited life using energy to root and then this little top of the clone will just start to bud.... so, its useless. There are many haters, and the haters really like to hate on auto's, especially on this site. So I bring no hate toward something that will meditate my mind.

I would say pick up a reg pack of MI5 or something like that and breed them to get a shitload of beans and your set for awhile and you can hook up your boys. I'm workin on the space for that once i get my other shit dialed in. Also just check out the strains the breeder named STITCH works with, he made quality shit for a few companies. Just my experience and information from research.


Well-Known Member
I recently finished some Sweet Seeds Green Poison, a photo that was very fast....7 weeks flower I think...quite dramatic indica kick...share some genetics apparently with Sweet Seeds autos.....
I highly rec world of seeds pakistan ryder....and it's sisters....that's some ass kicking stuff....
Actually, all autos I've grown have been of decent potency....but I'm very picky about dry and cure....Today I vaped some lowryder 2 with a 12/27 date on cure jar....realized once again why LR2 is a long time fav...
Any of the 60-70 day autos will be ready by oct....go with WOS Pakistan Ryder....a very well stabilized strain...I grew out a batch of auto assassins couple of months back....selectively pollinated 80 seeds....Did some Lowlife for seeds last year, been enjoying those fruits for a while!!!
I have a blast growing the little are quick and "worthy"....ya just gotta love how they simply "explode" at 4-5 weeks....