Auto Northern Lights Information


I have one Northern Lights auto in DWC with bubblers, she is about 6 weeks old. White pistels are showing. I plan to do four in my next grow. Can these autos be super cropped? Can they be Fimmed? What will trimming do, help or harm them? Also I have some yellowing tips and am not sure what is causing it. Any ideas?

I use T5 lights, Flora Bloom, Flora Micro, Aqua Shield and tap water. PH is adjusted to 6.0. PPM right now is 760. Rez temp is 69F.

Would really like some input.:?:


Well-Known Member
I have the same strain exept in soil, my one auto nl plants has magnese deficiency, or zine def, still trying to figure it out you should do the same (its quite scary as it progresses). I also just trimmed a bunch of leaves and re potted mine. It seems to e doing fine streatching for the light. My auto nl is 32 days old as of right now from seed. Sorry i dont have pics need batteries for my cam.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
have grown several NL autos and i always top them. it has to be done when they are young, about 7-8 days old. works great for me and i always get at least 2 z's. GL


Well-Known Member
Yellowing tips can be a sign of slight nute. burn, lower your PPM's a little. I like to take them to the limit by letting the tips yellow ever so slightly. Takes some practice, 1000 ppm's is a good standard high level in DWC. :peace:


Active Member
I have one going right now over a month old, flowering is finally picking up but good god the thing is a beast, measured in at just under 4 feet yesterday-I thought autos are supposed to be small!.Its a good thing I recently got a tent that is taller then my old cab otherwise I would have been hooped.Did lots of LST early on but thats about it for training-Personally I wouldnt trim its leaves.I am feeding the general organics line up.