Auto or None Auto ?

John King

Well im going to be starting my first ever grow indoors this week

My tent size is 80x80x160 , should i grow autoflowering ? and what strain and How many plants should i grow in my area ?


Well-Known Member
There's arguments either way, but I prefer non auto because you have better control, and maybe save a little electricity on the 12/12. That's a big grow space, depending on lighting, I'm thinking around 6? As far as strain, that's not my speciality. I've been using the same seeds for 3 grows that were gave to me and I was told it is satori. There's a million cnotices. I prefer and indica based strain.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I grow with auto or non-auto. Someone's like to go auto buts others say no, I grow non-auto 'cause god is my witness. You can go with auto or non-auto because some people do that. And then others go no-auto/auto.


Well-Known Member
Just speaking from what I have read auto strains have ruderalis genetics which have been known to be streaky. I am sure the other genetics from the strain play a part as well.


Well-Known Member
As some of the others have said, I would go with non autos, I mean I have grown both but yeild and time wise I would prefer having one or two mother's and just taking clones off of them vegging for two weeks or so to establish somewhat of a root system and then right into a 12/12 tent. And if you set it up right after awhile every 2 weeks or so you would be putting in new clones and harvesting perpetually
I find that to be the most efficient way for me.
Hope this helps.
Happy growing!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Autos are a bit different than they were a few years ago. The only trait that is needed from the ruderalis plant is the autoflowering gene. So the rest just serves to water down the budding and potency aspect of photoperiod pure cannabis. However, I believe there's steady progression through breeding to maximize the traits of photoperiods while still retaining the autoflowering gene. When that becomes completely up to par, we'll have strong autoflowering genetics which can then be ran under much longer light schedules to maximize growth. The end result according to this theory would be like a photoperiod on roids, mathematically.
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Well-Known Member
Definitely photoperiod (non-auto). I did autos on my first grow. Big mistake. You can veg, top, and transplant all you want with photos. All that equals bigger better plants.


Well-Known Member
Both. Start both, find your mom(s), by the time you have cuttings from mom ready to go to flower your auto should be done or close to it. From that point on, for the most part at least, fuck auto.

Assuming you are starting from seed obviously.


Well-Known Member
auto's have advantages if growing outdoors when you have limited summer months....I used auto's this year for my indoor sunshine grow and was very pleased with the results

I like the quick cycle they strain was done in 89 days from seed to harvest