Auto plants outdoors in the UK?


Well-Known Member
Got sent wrong seeds by attitude. They gave since sent me the right ones but I now have 3 mimosa orange auto seeds that I don't know what to do with. Does anyone know if they would be suitable for an outdoor grow in the UK? Don't know anything about autos. Thanks
Got sent wrong seeds by attitude. They gave since sent me the right ones but I now have 3 mimosa orange auto seeds that I don't know what to do with. Does anyone know if they would be suitable for an outdoor grow in the UK? Don't know anything about autos. Thanks
Yeah they should be fine if anything its an experiment. If you wait until frosts have disappeared say early May you will have them out during the summer sun.They should be ready to harvest before autumn gets to bad,I plan on doing same thing with autos this year also as they can be ready before the autumn gets to wet. Good luck
Got sent wrong seeds by attitude. They gave since sent me the right ones but I now have 3 mimosa orange auto seeds that I don't know what to do with. Does anyone know if they would be suitable for an outdoor grow in the UK? Don't know anything about autos. Thanks
Autos and semi autos are all you can grow without a greenhouse for most of the uk at least as already been stated plant out mid may should be ok weather permitting you wont know if there gonna work till ye try mate