Autoflower not flowering - advice please


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am currently on day 50 of my Great White Shark auto from Lowlife grow and the damn thing still hasn't flowered. It has grown to about 18 inches and I have had some trouble with it (deficiencies) but she looks pretty healthy now and I just don't understand why it's not flowering. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Maybe the deficiencies stunted it but at 18 inches and 50 days your plant should be flowering unless you got the wrong strain and it should start soon.


Well-Known Member
says approximately 70 days from sprout to finish.. no way that's gonna happen. think i should put it into 12/12 and see if it would flower? or should i wait?


Well-Known Member
If its healthy enough..maybe stunted. Been seeing more posts on this lately.. auto duds I guess.


Well-Known Member
says approximately 70 days from sprout to finish.. no way that's gonna happen. think i should put it into 12/12 and see if it would flower? or should i wait?
As far as i know, autos flower due to genetics instead of photoperiod. Dont see how it would hurt though. Maybe it will jump start her. lol


Well-Known Member
yeah.. i don't think this one gives a shit though. she's refusing it like a lesbian with a dick. guess i'm gonna have to force flower the bitch. also, question.. after you flush how soon should you start fertilizing again?
Autoflowering plants I believe are different than normal strains in the fact that they ignore photoperiod on off switches in chemical production created from blue light spectrum photosynthesis(blue light on -> chemicals produced to grow->light off -> converts chemicals to flowering chemicals) and cycle repeats. Plant creates chemicals from blue light and red light and automatically changes those chemicals to flowering chemicals without the night time break from blue light this in a normal plant is called circadian rhythm. You need full spectrum constantly on autoflowers without the break and some with a break so that conversion can catch up with chemical production.. every seed you get from a created autoflower has the ability to revert back to different genetics and lose this auto flowering chemical production trait. By taking a timer and slowly knocking off 15min or 30 min a day you'll find the plants ideal flowering point where natural conversion = chemical production rates and until those rates of conversion begin to increase the plant will not flower.

so odds are you have a longer cycle autoflower maybe 150 day genes.
or that the genetics of the seed you planted has lost the autoflower trait
or that you need to slowly modify the light cycle so that conversion speed matches chemical production speed


Well-Known Member
drop your daylight hours down. i have auto's not flower under 20/4, but did under 18/6