Autoflower pot size


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its nice to be back growing.
I'm getting a autoflower and I have seen so many ppl saying don't transplant.
So I will be putting it right into its main big pot.

I was wondering how big of a pot do you guys use? I was thinking a 2 gallon one would work good but I have a problem when it comes to watering it. I can't just water the whole bucket when their is a small plant emerging.
If I did that wouldn't it cause a problem with all that excess water?

So I think I should just water a little at a time until it gets bigger, is that what you guys would do?
Yeah. Wet all the soil then Maybe just add a couple mls of water from a pipette right at the root base after every several days if it makes you feel better. Then once it develops its root system go on and water the whole plant when it gets dry. I like 2 gallons for a fast auto. Up to maybe 3 gallon. I used to do 5 gallon tho I think it's a bit overkill for am auto.