AUTOFLOWER SOLO CUP CONTEST: please read and vote if you have time! thanks.


Hello everyone. I just wanted to say a couple things quick about a contest we had recently here at a couple monthes back we decided to start an solo cup autoflower contest. the rules were simple, any plant any conditions any medium the only catch was the plants root system could ONLY be grown in a 16oz solo cup, the red kind you usually find at a keg party or something. We recently just finished up all of the judging for the winners of 4 of 6 categories, i judged and picked 4 winners total, best indoor, best outdoor, best indica and best sativa plants...the last 2 categories are best yielding entry and finally, best overall plant...the yield is going to be decided of coure by the weight of the entrants plants but for the BEST OVERALL category, we are holding a vote for ANY AND EVERY RIU member that chooses to vote. There is a poll in the AUTOFLOWER SUB-FORUM...there are about 20 total choices to choose from over 2 polls, they are stickied here in the auto flower forum, the links are as followed <<<<< POLL FOR CHOOSING THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST <<<<<POLL FOR CHOOSING THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST (CONTINUED)

There are 2 polls because i coudlnt fit all the entries into one poll so all you have to do is go to either of these polls and vote for your favorite if youve been following the contest, if you have no been following the contest and still would like to vote that is OK to, we had all the entries post pics over two threads but if you go to the newest thread you can easily go through the first 10 or so pages and the last 5 or so pages and you will see pretty much every entry. the link for this thread is <<<<< PICS OF ALL ENTRIES OVER MULTIPLE PAGES AND POSTS

Thank you everyone who did particapate and thank you for anyone who chooses to go take a look and vote. if you have any questions or any of that sort feel free to shoot me a PM, im going to post this thread over multiple subforums to try to get as many people voting as we possibly can, ok everyone thanks for listening, have a good one!



Well-Known Member


Can't find any bud pictures





No updated bud pics either.

new2420grow - if there's a better pic please post it.

technical dan

bird dog
chronic masterbator

thunder cat

watt saver

No updates in picture thread.



Anyone listed with NO picture please post it for a chance at the overall, if you would like a picture change let me know.