Autoflower strain root bound cause them to flower?

Hey Fam! I hope everyone is doing well and you are all safe and healthy!

If an auto-flower strain were to be somewhat root bound before I was able to move it into a 5 gallon would it cause it to flower or would it still follow its auto-flower strains schedule? I am not new to growing but new to growing auto-flower strains first time this year and also happens to be my first crop outdoors ever! (Legalized in ontario, canada)

The reason I am asking this question is because I have 2 auto-flowers growing with the same everything (same soil, same size pots , same nutrients etc.) but are of different strains, and when I transplanted them to the 5 gallon buckets they were a little root bound circling a bit I figured it was not a big deal healthy plants. Now I am noticing one is flowering quite and may have been in flower for a bit as its got little buds on it now, and the other one is still in full veg state. I know different strains grow differently but I was thinking about it and wondered if possibly being somewhat root bound forced the one into flower?

Any have any input it would be very greatly appreciated. Have a great day Fam happy growing to all my growers out there repping!

Im personally still on that hunt for a pheno worth growing a tent full you know that keeper! That is the real hustle.


Well-Known Member
same size pots
so both plants must have been equally rootbound. why then does only one flower premature? Im not seeing an example illustrated here how a small pot could have caused this.... but both plants were kept under similar conditions, so any variance may be a hint towards different genetics. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Autos flower whenever the fuck they want. To small of a pot might have triggered the one a cunt hair early but I doubt it. Ive had autos grow a single 1.92 gram bud and ive had autos grow 6 ounces at about 2 foot tall and ive had autos 4 foot tall. They suck. No stability. You want a small plant? Grow photos under 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... yes and no.
I've done a lot of autos. 3-5gal coco and NFT mostly and a few in small pots as experiments.
My NFT plants always take around 7 weeks to throw pistils.
My coco plants usually go at 5-6 weeks and the small pot ones have went faster.
But...ive also done the same strain side by side. 1 in a solo, 1 in 3gal coco and they both went at the same time.
This led me to the conclusion that yes, having more room for the roots certainly seems to make them veg longer. My NFT plants grow in nothing but air and take forever.
However, using a small pot doesn't necessarily make them go any faster than they want to.
That make sense?