Autoflowers: Transplant to organic soil or not?


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone, i have been thinking about starting some Think Different autoflowering seeds under 1200w of HPS and i have a batch of organic soil mix for that purpose. My soil mix consists of:

13gallons of lithuanian peat moss
13 gallons of perlite
13 gallons of quality Humus

1 cup calcite/7.5 gallons (calcite replaces dolomite lime)
3/4 cup kelp meal/7.5 gallons
1/4 cup gr seaweed extract by GK/7.5 gallons
1/4 cup gr organic fertilizer for tomatoes/7.5 gallons
1/4 cup gr organic fertilizer for vegetables/7.5 gallons
2/4 gr neem meal/7.5 gallons
4 cups zeolite/7.5 gallons(mineral)

In total i will be using 2 cupsof additives/ 7.5 gallons. In the past i used 3 cups of additives/7.5 gallons and got astonishing results with photoperiod plants. I was thinking that since i will be growing autoflowers (even hungry autoflowers such as TD), i should cut this recipe in 2/3 of what i was using.

My questions for which i would be very thankful if i had any answers:

1)Do you think this soil mix would be ok for the TDs so that i do not have to add nutes like in my previous grows with photos?

2)I understand that transplants might hurt autoflowers. I was thinking about 2 approaches to this problem since i know my organic soil mix cannot be used if its not cooked for about a month.

A)Start seedlings in 2 liters smart pots with Biobizz Light Mix (transplanting from smart pots is piece of cake. You peel the sides of the pots around like you would with a banana and the soil is exposed. You don't lift the plant or anything like that. Then, after ~3 weeks i could transfer them to my 5-7 gallon final smart pots that i wanna use for them.

B)Start them directly in 5 or 7 gal smart pots and fill at least 40-50% of those smarties with my organic soil mix. In the other half of the smarties (from the top to the middle of the pots) i could use Biobizz Light Mix+a bit of All Mix so that i don't have to give ferts.

Would you choose A or B if you were me? This is my main concern before i take the step with autoflowers, i want to use badly my organic soil, i always had solid results since i started using it and i LOVE IT!

Thank you very much for reading this :)