automatic watering??


Active Member
hey all,

going away over the christmas break and will only b able to check plants about every week. anyone have some good suggestions for automatic watering?? i dont want to go out and spend like 100 bucks on some super system. just a simple sultion. home made or from a store. thanks


Well-Known Member
they have water timers for hoses you can buy home depot etc.

my dad uses one for his sprinkler system he made himself.

you could probably rig it to work for your system.

also they are around 40-50 bucks for quality ones....


Well-Known Member
yeah, previously i thought automation of watering was possible with hydro, but Ive learn t that its possible with that the best you recommend for indoors?


Well-Known Member
yeah, previously i thought automation of watering was possible with hydro, but Ive learn t that its possible with that the best you recommend for indoors?

ive never really looked into automating waterings because most people dont trust their plants on their own for too long.

most people would suggest finding you a plant sitter that you can trust
(watch out for this there are some horror stories of people trusting their friends with their plants and coming back with it all smoked)

that being said im sure there are some better and probably more expensive methods of doing this. I was just mentioning a possibly cheaper alternative


Well-Known Member
just get a cheap water pump, like $20 or so, a bucket and some hose, and a cheap timer. Cost you maybe $40 bucks. then you never have to water and you can just moniter the res.


Well-Known Member
Aw yeah man, to that last post, but im grown' soil????
Simple and cheap! Just put your pots inside other, bigger, pots (or containers) that are filled up with "some kind of medium" (make sure there is some medium inside your drainage holes), and make sure everything is well saturated with water before you leave for the week. Your pots will "wick" water in through the drainage holes.

For longer vacations you can do the same thing with wicks and a reservoire tank.


Active Member
anyone every heard of those aqua globe things? glass blown things u fill with water and stick down into the root system?? any good?


Well-Known Member
just get a cheap water pump, like $20 or so, a bucket and some hose, and a cheap timer. Cost you maybe $40 bucks. then you never have to water and you can just moniter the res.

Hey was wondering about auto watering for my soil 2 this sorta answered my question I was wondering what size pump? would be good and can u give more detail how 2 put it all together check my journel for reference if ur wondering about my specs