Automatic watering


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, i need some help here since my plants are getting too big to move around and water. I have 16 plants at 4.5ft tall under 4000w. Im looking for someone who has created a automatic watering system so the plants stay stationary. This would include a water pump,resevoir to mix nutes and tubing ofcourse to eatch bucket. Can someone send me to a link or personal experience knowledge on this, would be a great help.


Sorry to butt in here i am very n00b at this stuff atm but i will tell you a trick that i read. please dismiss this if i am wrong or unhelpfull. from my understanding you just get a pump and run some lines. after you have all the lines in place get a cup/bucket and see how long it takes for that bucket to fill to the desired limit. how ever much you want to feed it and time it to see how long it takes for that quantity to be reached. and set your timers up with the time that it took to reach your limit. the longer the distance the bigger the pump you're going to need. Im sure somebody on here knows what size of pump you're going to need but im sure they are going to need full distance and splits in the line and any inclines from your water source to your plant to figure out how much gpm your going to need just to get to the end of the line. I will say i am very new into this field. but been reading my ars off the past 2 months.. hopefully this helps you.. and you dont run into the issue i had when i built a 600 gal fish tank i had to stick on a sub pump to move that water in that tank. But i will say that tank still runs and its over 12 years old....