
I still have 3 x 4 18ltr set ups in storage.

If you get them upgrade the tubes to the bigger ones so you don't get them clogging up.
Make sure the aqua valves are seated properly.

Personally I think they are ok but don't compete with proper hydro. But they are silent which is a big plus.
What about media? I’m seeing that you can run coco/perilite really well in them? Also how do I upgrade the tubes? Is there an option or do I do that myself?
What about media? I’m seeing that you can run coco/perilite really well in them? Also how do I upgrade the tubes? Is there an option or do I do that myself?

All I ever ran was coco with 2 " of clay pebbles on the bottom as recommended.

Various shops sell all the parts individually so you just buy the thicker tubing and connectors . Its not an expensive job.
Heard of people using drip clean or something to keep the normal tubes clear of build up. Don't know enough about that or if ive used the right brand/term.