Auto's are 4 days in have sprouted nicely when should i start feeding?


Active Member
My autos have sprouted and doing well one stretched to much and has died lol

Anyway when shall I start feeding them? Should I water them every other day and feed them every second water?


Active Member
Typically a plant stretching and dieing means that your lighting isn't bright enough and something is wrong with the medium.

Are you in soil or hydro?

If you are in soil I wouldn't give them anything but water for the first couple weeks but I haven't done any autoflowering plants.


Active Member
soil.. Reason was that they were in my shed to sprout and i lost the keys and they sprouted and lost a few days without being under the lights it was long enough to cause those issues..


Active Member
When you transplant them you should bury the stems in soil, almost to the first set of leaves. The buried stem will eventually root and your plants will be more stable.


My autos have sprouted and doing well one stretched to much and has died lol

Anyway when shall I start feeding them? Should I water them every other day and feed them every second water?
Don't water every day. Wait until the soil is dry to the touch. If you push your finger down into the soil and it feels dry then water. I water every other day.

I started feeding after two weeks but I'd say you could get away with waiting 3 or 4 weeks. My autos seemed too sensitive at 2 weeks. I was told 2 weeks but next time I'm going to wait 3 for some and 4 weeks for others to see which one the plants respond to better. I do know that two weeks is too early, though.

Also, remember not to use the nutes at full strength. If you water with tap water allow the water to stand for 24 hours to dissipate all the chlorine. I put 3 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket. Allow to sit out all night then in the morning I mix in my nutes at 1/4 the strength and then I let the water still all day. At night I use that water to feed.

I've been doing this schedule. Water then skip a day, feed then skip a day, feed then skip a day, water then skip a day. So water, no, feed, no, feed, no, water... and so on.