Autos, when do i apply nutes?


Active Member
hi everyone, title says it all, when? Just bought some Northern lights Autos from nirvana, just wanted to try some autos out, ill probably buy more if these turn out well.
Another question, should i top them? if so, than when i heard autos grow fast, anyone else had experience with autos? ty for your input :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing Nirvana Short Rider autos.

As far as nutes go thats hard to answer because it depends on the soil.
For example I'm using FFof and it has plenty of nutrients for the first 3 weeks, but once they go into flowering I will use the FF grow big.

I also wouldn't recommend topping with auto's, the reason being is they only have a certain amount of time to grow and the more you stress it the smaller the yield. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is just from the recent info I have gathered.

If you are new to growing like me I would just let those babies go and if your tight on space then look into lst training. Hope this helped and feel free to stop by my grow, its in my sig!! Good luck.


Active Member
I am almost finished my autos and I used a light soil for the first 2 weeks then when I moved them to bigger containers I went to fox farm ocean forest and that has enough nutes in it to keep you going for at least a month. I only added 1 watering with some Guana at 1/4 strength recently and I just 2 days ago added some molasses. They are looking good and almost finished.

As everyone usually says on here, less is more usually and don't add nutes until your plant tells you to. If it is looking healthy and good just from your soil then leave it go until it looks like it needs something extra.

I am a newbie but my first grow has been going great and I think it is because I didnt go nuts with the nutrients. Just let the fox farm do its thing.

I am growing white dwarf by the way.


Active Member
thanks guys for the info. ill have to check your journal out smelly, and yes i wont top. i plan on doing 5 at a time and ill take your advice on going light on nutes. i wonder how long these will take lol i think it said 5-7 weeks for flowering. post some pics ocean i want to see those babies! tyvm guys