

i had a very mind bending trip where i just sat and thought about space for hours at night in the back of my truck in the woods. i couldnt help but think that out of all the stars in space that there was other life and if space has no end then that means i am merely staring into an oblivion every time i look up.


Well-Known Member
I believe it was Stephen Hawking who said that if space truly was infinite, that the odds are greatly in favor of there being exact carbon copies of you or I some where out there. Evil twins, maybe?


Well-Known Member
If you think about it,its like staring at a section of a ring,there isnt an end yet we can see a point of the neverending or a span of it,but never its entirety.Looking at the night sky is but a segment of infinity,so whos to say that the other side of infinity dosent have your twin,...almost like looking at a ring shaped mirror crazy idea maybe.