AXE Sprayed weed? Grit weed? whats up with this town ON


ok so I have been buying weed off a semi well known dealer for about 6 months and have recently started to notice somthing.... you will see shiny specs that look totally different from the crystals on the bud. this weed scratches cd's. I have recently developed a cough and so had my friend who buys off him. I have stopped buying from him and try to find other places but i live in a small town so its hard.

so just yesterday i bought a half quarter off some guy i know and i think somthings up with this weed too.

It has an extremly skunky smell thats different from any bud ive had and when you smell inside the bag it smells a bit like axe or somthing, the buds dont smell like the bag though. so i rolled up a joint and smoked some bowls and noticed that the weed burns/irritates the tip of your toung but gets u pretty high. sooooo like wtf


Well-Known Member
where you from.. thats bs. I would arranged to buy an once, beat his ass and take it. Then dip out here to cali, we have plenty of reall bomb to go around dog. IMAG0086.jpg


ive grown but i can only do it outdoors, so ill get about 2 ounces each season but that will be gone in like a month


Well-Known Member
That first stuff you were smoking was little shards of glass that are added to the weed to increase weight; detramental to your health.


Well-Known Member
That first stuff you were smoking was little shards of glass that are added to the weed to increase weight; detrimental to your health.

and sadly thats what some parts of this world are coming to. Anything to make a quick buck despite the consequences of what you do.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dont take a chance with it bro, get some GOOD shit.

Axe? who the FUCK sprays weed with body spray? That shit has like a kind of aluminum in it


New Member
thats a qp.... maybe if ur an expert... im only 16
Sorry for bumping a repetitive thread about someone else that got shards'o'glass weed, but I figured this would be a good time to do two things.

1. you're an idiot, a quap is 4oz.
2. Is it it pretty standard for any average joe to pull 6oz+ per plant outdoors? (or am I way off)