Azamax and Nutes


Has anyone used Azamax mixed in with thier nutes as a root drench for fungus gnats? Guy at hydro store told me it would be fine but directions dont say if you can. When I mixed it in with nutes and adjusted ph my ppm went from 1300 to 1550 so im wondering how bad of a burn im gonna get. I know I should have added more water to bring ppm down but was running late for work. Think I should do a flush just in case or just wait and see if any signs of nute burn?


Sector 5 Moderator
Hopefully the plants won't uptake the Azamax at all. It never hurts to lower the PPM so to be on the safe side I would advise that. At any rate the Azamax should not burn the plants.


Thanks for reply. I think the GH ph up Im using caused the ppm to go up though, I dont think it was the AzaMax but I could be wrong.
Does anyone have the same with ph up increasing ppm ? Just wondering if this is common.