B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
Heya Guys, since i got a new camera i might aswell do some photoshoting of the most beautyfull girls on this planet !

Yup, Mary fucking Jane :bigjoint:


So i allways thought to myself damn, these people that have collections of seed must have a realy nice time selecting what to smoke when and where ;)

I wanted that aswell, and no i am doing it !


So im pretty much ready to get things going, here's what it looks like on back & white :

20.06.2009 - 12:20 I put them in toillete paper, and there being born as we speak !!! :grin:

  1. white widow
  2. Big Bang - accidently put that one in, cuz the colour was nearly the same as the himalayan gold..
  3. Himalayan Gold
  4. Hashberry
  5. Speed Queen
  6. Jock Horror
  7. Safari Mix seeds - 4 of em i think. or 5 cant remember will see when i reopen package to see if the shell opend..
  8. BLZ Bud
  9. Trainwreck
  10. A.M.S - Anty Mold System weed... great stuff !!!
  11. EL Nino
  12. My Own strain . that no one else has :smile: A haze strain.... might cross with an ak 48
  13. AK 48 <---- still have to packd up by dave from pickandmix - orderd today 6/7 weeks flowering :D yehayyy !
  14. Afghan #1 <---- still have to packd up by dave from pickandmix orderd today 6/7 weeks flowering .. yehayyy !!!!!!!!!!! :lol::bigjoint:

heat pad... so these seeds do there things in 24 hours... i want to be putting them under the 400 w in a few days... and grow them out for some cuttings.. then its outside with em... to take even more cuttings and finaly flower em outside and keep the best clones for mothers.




Well-Known Member
thnx guys, i just lookd at the seeds in the plastic condoms.. they're realy nice and warm.. you can see it all getting nice and warm and its just nice...

little drops all over the place.. :) i am sure tomorrow i will be able to plant em :D


Well-Known Member
Day 1 - 24 Hours have passed... its currently 12:18 as i am typing.

All seeds except speed queen have germinated.. i didnt open the big bang, i dont want to grow big bang anymore.. ohhh wait, now i know why i put her in the ground..

I want to do Big Bang outdoor, supposed to be a great yielder outside, might aswell..

hehe... i think i should go and do it now :D


So i got some pics of the seeds poping... and also i have moved 3 outdoor plants indoor... gona let em grow a bit in there so that i can clone in 2 days.. in 2 weeks i wana switch to 12/12..

in 11 Weeks i want a Harvest ! Actually sorry, in 9 weeks i will be harvesting..... and then it will be non stop... :D

Best Earth you can buy with bat shit in it :) gota love it... smelld very chemical when i opend it.... oh well... still love it..

Hashberry Seeds

Safari Mix

Himalayan Gold

All seeds in the pots... they all Germinated... in 24 Hours with heat pad.. except the speed queens... :)

Good investment that heat pad is... i bet i can get roots in 3 days with this thing ;)

Stuck the 3 plants i was growing outdoor under a 400w -


More to come soon.:leaf:


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Nice selection you got goin on so im pullin up a seat to watch this. I love multi strain grows and maybe one day I will get to do it.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Nice selection you got goin on so im pullin up a seat to watch this. I love multi strain grows and maybe one day I will get to do it.

Best of luck

thnx man :)

Im sure you would have loads of fun with many strains... your a decent grower.. or maybe even just high heaven good.. i mean, i've never seen plants like yours..




Well-Known Member
Fucking unbelievable !!!!!!!!!

Again the BLZ Bud fucks up !!!!!!! how can this be !!!!!!!! i am so pissed off....... and the white widow didnt do anything either !



the rest should be popping soon... can see there heads :D

god damn.

down 2 strains.. see how fuckd up this is !


Well-Known Member
Ok just got some new stuff, 2 new 600w lights, 2 ph pens, 1 ec pen.. dunno why he gave me 2 ph pens.. but i aint moaning.

Also, got my temperatur messurer for my room, i just stick this long piece of black pipe in my growbox... this measures the temps and makes my fan turn slower or faster :)

humidty controller and also co2 input !

wuhuu i am ready to go build some stuff together, i think i might just take some clones..

oh yeah and i got 1 new veg light actually its a clone light :D


Well-Known Member
good one D mate, see if u can swap a ph pen for an ec meter lol

i've got en ec pen. why do you need an ec pen ? :D :)

but i've got hesi nutes this time.. and hey westie..

ohh my gawd m8

you see i never used pk 13/14 and all the other stuff from hesi i just used the bloom and tnt and last time i used the house & garden.. but that stuff is just to expensive atm. also with hesi i cant use the ec pen, because it has something that blocks the ec from being shown correctly..


so anyways my m8 said to me that i will harvest a kilo easy now with my upgraded nutes from hesi :P

i never used the pk 13/14 and super vit at all... so i am very excited about my grow coming now because i will harvest 20% more and this is a well known fact my m8 said..


Well-Known Member
Trainwreck clones slowly have some white stuff around the bottom of the stems.. meaning there gone burst roots soon :)

Growing out my the Haze strain for some nice clones also the ams is growing realy compact :) cant hardly see the internodes its so tight ^^


The himalayan Gold has come out the earth, the EL Nino is growing good...

The other seeds are still alive, i check yesterday... they were popping out, havnt check yet cuz i put em under the 12/12 light.... cant open dont wana stress any plants...

the clones look like some other species of marijuana looool ^^




Well-Known Member
just checkd the box after the night out :) yihiiiiiiii one jock horror has come thro

mr west

Well-Known Member
Quality mate, u got to watch them jocks thet will drink u out of house and home lmao, well all the jocks I know will lol, shwally ho!


Well-Known Member
Quality mate, u got to watch them jocks thet will drink u out of house and home lmao, well all the jocks I know will lol, shwally ho!

? :eyesmoke: do you mean they drink allot :D ?


ehey ^^


emmm just took 16 clones from the haze again :) took 8 A.M.S Clones.... Emm oh yeah.. transferd 11 Trainwreck to jiffys....

Ph'd my water to 5.5 :) because thats what roots like. :eyesmoke:

Also got load of equipment but fucking cant be bothrd to put it all up .... lol. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
is that really what trainwreck looks like? im about to get some of that and grow it in my backyard and i live in a city doesnt even look like ganja

mr west

Well-Known Member
? :eyesmoke: do you mean they drink allot :D ?


ehey ^^


emmm just took 16 clones from the haze again :) took 8 A.M.S Clones.... Emm oh yeah.. transferd 11 Trainwreck to jiffys....

Ph'd my water to 5.5 :) because thats what roots like. :eyesmoke:

Also got load of equipment but fucking cant be bothrd to put it all up .... lol. :eyesmoke:

I was making a joke about scottish people liking a drink lol sorry


Well-Known Member
hmmm for some reason the pics aint online, i think they were to big, i'll resize.. here they are


Ams Clones

Haze Clones

Himalayan Gold at the top in the middle and bottom is jock horror.

El Nino in the Middle bottom left corner are the Trainwreck Clones

My new Blue light for my vegin plants.. 400W

loads of bulbs.

got more... :D

One of my rooms currently nothing happening here...... boring ! :sleep:

