Baby Plant Problems - Older Leaves Spotted/Dying


Active Member
A friend of mine showed me this site a while ago and said that the community here was very supportive in helping him with his grow, so I'd like to thank anyone in advance for your help. I have 3 plants growing that were germinated via papertowel method from some bagseed. They are approximately 2 weeks old, and we have them growing in 3 separate styrofoam cups at the moment filled with MiracleGro soil for plants and veggies. They are running on a 19-5 lighting schedule using 2 daylight spectrum 100w CFLs placed in a reflective aluminum work lamp. We have them on a watering schedule of once every 3 days (water monday, water thursday, water sunday, etc...).

We ran into a slight problem about 3-4 days ago. The lower leaves on the plants began to show spots and brown a little. It became more severe as the days went on, and started to warrant some concern. 2 of the 3 plants we planted are exhibiting these symptoms, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I tried to look on the "Check Here First Sticky" but all the images on that board appear to be dead links. I am not sure if it is worth noting, but the plant that is not showing any symptoms is the one that seemed to be growing the slowest. The thing that has me slightly optimistic is that it only appears to be the older leaves that are suffering. New growth is still coming out of the stop of the plants that is a nice lush, healthy green.

I have attached a picture for reference. More detailed photos can be taken if needed.

Higher resolution image at imageshack:

Thanks in advance.

