Babysitting Blues


Active Member
Well today my buddy stopped by and asked if I would be as kind to watch over his babies next week while he's away, and boy do they need love. They were SUPER stretched and couldn't keep themselves up since being in the window only and was also in poorly aerated soil. I replanted them in some other potting soil from Espoma and added some root hormone to the looooooong necks before putting them under 3- 32W 6500k bulbs. What do y'all think?
Well today my buddy stopped by and asked if I would be as kind to watch over his babies next week while he's away, and boy do they need love. They were SUPER stretched and couldn't keep themselves up since being in the window only and was also in poorly aerated soil. I replanted them in some other potting soil from Espoma and added some root hormone to the looooooong necks before putting them under 3- 32W 6500k bulbs. What do y'all think?
Och..but dont give up on them..sometimes they will surprise you and bounce back
Looks like you need better draing in that soil imo...its kinda of hard to ad some perlite at this point but if they last enough up pott them try to get a nice organic mix with some extra amendments and extra perlite for extra dranige..look in all the orgainc fourms on site...maybe some of the organic growers could point you in the right direction...I might be doing a small hydro grow myself soon
Good luck to you my friend
Looks like you need better draing in that soil imo...its kinda of hard to ad some perlite at this point but if they last enough up pott them try to get a nice organic mix with some extra amendments and extra perlite for extra dranige..look in all the orgainc fourms on site...maybe some of the organic growers could point you in the right direction...I might be doing a small hydro grow myself soon
Good luck to you my friend
Yeah he didn't give me the specifics on his soil but he's grown nice shit before but never from baby.