Back in action.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, it's been a looong while since I was last here. Looks like a lot has changed, the forum has a new look, and there are some new mods! Some of them were regulars when I was around.

Well, I kinda miss this crowd and have decided to make my way back here. I'm sure some of you remember me, and many probably have no idea who I be.

So... what's new? Looks like fdd got some time. Me and him didn't get along so well, but its always sad to hear about people getting time, never a good thing. Wish him the best.

Well, anywho.. just wanted to say "high" and that Im back and will be hangin 'round.

​you going to get a grow on and post pics, then do some troll shiz like unclenofuck lol ;-)
Would ya look at that! Long time no typee.

yay!! a familair!! how it be neo? i mean would you just look at that!

no, seriously, unlucky, i want to put my tongue down your throat. what does merrycan4sure mean? and why are you typing in pink?
I'm good. Better now that you're back and bringing some needed Lolz.

Unlucky is our resident pre-op pic collector.
lol merrycan is american, 4sure is four sure........ :-?

@hepheastus the ass hole lol... you chill with ya dudes ;-)
Actually I do. Im 40 days into veg, I will post a journal sometime soon. Growing Special Queen #1, Ice and Purple Maroc