Backwards Hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
Just experienced what I will call a backwards hermaphrodite. Typically, stress can cause a femaie to produce male flowers.

I had a white grape male that I was growing to collect pollen to make some seeds. The male plant was in the garage under low light stressed conditions. I recently increased it's light, and it is now producing female flowers!

This seems backwards for a male plant to turn female. Has anyone seen this before.

Luckily I have not seen to many hermaphrodites, and I do not plan on using this white grape for a breeding project now.

My camera isn't great for close ups. If you look closely, you can see the female flowers starting to come out after the males.Female Flower on Male.jpgFemale Flowers on Male.jpg
yes it happens. you dont hear as many because most grow out females. it does seem like less of em to me though.
i've had similar experiences, it's not super rare, seen 2 of these beasts, one had a tiny female cola at the tip
many strange things this plant can do
It's the same stress response as everyone elses. you were different in that you had a boy.
Plants never fail to excite me and this is one of those situations that gets me going.
its almost like you can watch it change its directive...
As soon as it got enough resources, bang! Gotta make seeds before you die and can't make seeds anymore.
Plants are cool.