BAD ATTITUDE?......2nd day del....WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?


Have read a lot about probs with attitude seed bank mostly negative and honestly was put off by all the bad mouthing that goes on, well any way while reading a post of someone complaining again, came to a part where he mentioned the october freebies and how it was such an amazing offer (even tho he in previous posts slags the fuck out of them) had ordered to gain these seeds for free, he then carried on to slag that they would not arrive, take weeks or could be cracked when he got them, by the way hes across the pond, so i thought fuck it lets have a look. visited web site at 14.30hrs and noticed that the offer finished that day at 15.00hrs and yes some nice bits to be had, fuck it i thought if they that bad how they still in buisness, or are there some moaning bad mouthing bollocks out there, give it a go. me and my woman sat down quickly picked a couple of seeds to value of offer and ordered at 14.50pm on mon, and guess what everything that i ordered JUST ARRIVED WED MORN!!!!!!!. fucking great service, all nice and labelled, none cracked and nice big seeds, so come on you moaning bollocks give people a chance and go bore the fuck out of your split personality, and unless something really bad happens to these, will gladly buy from ATTITUDE.
Attitude seed bank are a legitimate UK company and as such abide by the UK Distance Selling Regulations.
Any problems you can complain to UK Trading Standards - they know this of course so you will not ever have any major complaints dealing with a UK company.
i think some of the post that bash a seed company are posted by competitors who sign up here just to try to steer business their way
never heard anything bad about this company except when it is a member who has just joined to say they suck
i have seen a lot of people bashing attitude for not having there seeds germinate, i for one are one of those people that my seed did not germinate. i dont understand though why these people are blaming attitude for it. mis-informed i guess, i know when i was still new i was kinda confused too.
i have seen a lot of people bashing attitude for not having there seeds germinate, i for one are one of those people that my seed did not germinate. i dont understand though why these people are blaming attitude for it. mis-informed i guess, i know when i was still new i was kinda confused too.

goodman thinking further down the line as to poss reason, if i was to have a prob , well a major or what i feel maybe unfair prob first thing i would do would be to approach them with the problem and explain, give them chance to put right, as im sure they do reason with people having such a good name with the majority.......but im also sure that there a scammers out there to......and others who might make mistakes and blame the tude...... be a big man if youv a prob with them talk to them, dont slag least give them a chance!
So many problems with seeds are user error which sucks... Germing seeds in a freezing cold/wet paper towel will shock even the strongest of seeds... I have nothing to say bad about attitude. Everything has germed 100%
lol.. I'm not even going to say anything. It's not worth my time...

most of the whiny brats around here.. are extreme noobs.. and most likely young kids... that have no business growing to begin with IMO.

90% of the whiny kids/teens around here get mad because something doesn't go their way... and so then they decide to take out their anger and aggression on the seed-bank, like its their fault. LMAO.. it's actually quite entertaining.

And another thing.. might be a little off topic though, but.. all the kids/teens that roam/lurk around just smoke pot for one reason: To get high.

Well, I myself.. don't smoke marijuana just so I can get "blitzed" or "high". I smoke cannabis because I have medical reasons for doing so.. its actually medicine for me.. and I speak for many others around here that also smoke for medicinal purposes as well.. not just so they can get 'high'.

Just thought I would speak my 2cents.

anyhow, Attitude seed company... I have no problem with them. I've always gotten my orders within a reasonable time frame and my beans have always been in great shape once they arrived. So, it kinda leads me to believe that most the people that whine about their seeds not germinating.. I think its the growers that are making the mistake.. its got nothing to do with the seed company. Sure, I mean from time to time.. I've had a seed or two that didn't pop for me.. but your going to run into those kinds of problems.. as well as many other problems. It's just something you can't really predict.. it just happens from time to time.

anyhow, Price is Right is on.. I'm out.

lol.. I'm not even going to say anything. It's not worth my time...

most of the whiny brats around here.. are extreme noobs.. and most likely young kids... that have no business growing to begin with IMO.

90% of the whiny kids/teens around here get mad because something doesn't go their way... and so then they decide to take out their anger and aggression on the seed-bank, like its their fault. LMAO.. it's actually quite entertaining.

And another thing.. might be a little off topic though, but.. all the kids/teens that roam/lurk around just smoke pot for one reason: To get high.

Well, I myself.. don't smoke marijuana just so I can get "blitzed" or "high". I smoke cannabis because I have medical reasons for doing so.. its actually medicine for me.. and I speak for many others around here that also smoke for medicinal purposes as well.. not just so they can get 'high'.

Just thought I would speak my 2cents.

anyhow, Attitude seed company... I have no problem with them. I've always gotten my orders within a reasonable time frame and my beans have always been in great shape once they arrived. So, it kinda leads me to believe that most the people that whine about their seeds not germinating.. I think its the growers that are making the mistake.. its got nothing to do with the seed company. Sure, I mean from time to time.. I've had a seed or two that didn't pop for me.. but your going to run into those kinds of problems.. as well as many other problems. It's just something you can't really predict.. it just happens from time to time.

anyhow, Price is Right is on.. I'm out.


Well put mate =] I just got an attitude order today and my blueberry gum promo was cracked..=[ Attitude has given me enough success so I could not care. I still have another order coming with the promos so I hope I get an uncracked Blueberry Gum lol
Other order I left in mailbox lol I need to stop getting my mail when I'm so blazed. Anyway I got a Blueberry gum that looks viable. Only thing is my Kandy Kush was crushed haha Still I can't be mad as they are promos
i just posted a thread about how annoyed i was over the whole attitude bashing thing, THATS how annoyed i was about it. i mean, really....the flaming is starting to get too transparent to tolerate.