Bad MaryJ Experiences??


Well-Known Member
I ripped a bunch of bong loads from some random guy, they were laughing the entire time... clue #1. Later i realized it had something else in it, I never had done anything else other than smoke some grass and i was trippin out. I remember looking in the mirror and seeing my skin gone, just muscles and skeleton. Then my tongue turned into an electric eel, weird shit man. :spew:


Mota King
thats what I was thinking, how long did you actually trip hard for? thats a great indicator.. if it was short like between 4-12 minutes it was most probably salvia (easy to slip in a bong load cuz its just leaves)


shawarma king
How is laughing the entire time a clue that something is wrong?

Jesus, imagine having to worry every time someone laughed while passing a joint.



Well-Known Member
Trying to score in New Zeeland was a bad experience -
what a rip off.
For what I paid for one spliff I could have bought 40grams for in South africa. And its all so loaded with chemicals it doesnt even taste much like authentic african ting. Could someone please pull the plug on that place and let it sink to the bottom of the pacific where it belongs?


Well-Known Member
yeah sounds like pcp, ever see the movie Friday?? when smokey smokes pcp. Did you end up in a piegon coop??