Cory when do I leave stranger territory and enter friend? I am guessing 400 post count. I put the city so that it would be easier for persons to find these posts on the internet. I did not want to put the places names but I did not say all battle creek michigan sucks, the karmacy is strong clean meds with employees who are knowledgeable about their meds and they give vetran discount. Is that worth a rep+ cory? It is up to the locals to clean up their area especially when someone from out of town comes in and answers a question on a forum and is booted. I was going to sit here and focus on my other threads cory but here you an have some. Best taken with a sativa. " Indica Bear",
This email is being composed in response to your message to our web page. You were suspended for the following reason:
You were trying to "recruit" a new patient through our web page. The purpose of our website is to provide information about our institution to our members in reference to
what current events are going on in the Co-Op, an updated menu, and other conduct fundamental to our organization. There is no forum available for the purpose that general
discussion is not what the website is intending for. If you are looking for patients; your best bet would be to either go to a site like the "MMMA" that covers the matter or come to the shop in person and inquire to us of your need. You instead chose to try to "adopt" a patient through general messaging while spreading general lies about our establishment. If you
have some sort of problem with our institution I suggest coming down and expressing that like an adult rather then spreading falsities on our webpage. We have been involved in the community here for almost three years, helping people from all over the state with a wide range of ailments. For you to try to tarnish that reputation openly with no viable facts to
back up your statements is pure ignorance in my mind. I don't have the faintest clue on what your talking about saying that the meds don't work, but we offer a WIDE selection of meds that have been proven to help. Any negative feedback is taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. You may live in the USA, and in this country we are entitled to freedoms. But as a private member only website; we reserve the right to hold our members to certain standards. Your wild goose stories do not fall within those lines. Good day to you.
BCCC Staff
I cannot find the pm. I am reading the site more.