Bad Mold Smell - please help

Power Towel

I'm about 3 -4 weeks into flower, indica, in an enclosed/dedicated room with a window a/c unit. Passive ventilation. Soil. The A/C was keeping the humidity down but last time I checked my RH is 63% and when I hit the "min/max" button I see it has been as high a 79%. Probably been hitting high RH's here and there for over a week. It's smelled funny for over a week but now it's unmistakeable.

Now I'm really worried I already have mold in the buds. They smell kind of moldy. Is it just too damn late?

I ran out and bought a de-humidifier and cranked it to 40% for now. should I crank it lower temporarily to just try to dry it out?

I guess I just wait and see if it goes away.

Anything else I can do?


Well-Known Member
Nothing else you can do. Hopefully the mold is just on some of the tighter buds and the looser ones are mold free. If that's the case, the dehumidifier will should keep them that way. When you harvest, you will have to throw out any bud that has mold.

Sorry, but hopefully you save enough.