Bad Problem with one girl

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I have 9 girls in my tent and all are well into flowering. All of these plants have had the exact same enironment, light, nutes, water, air circulation, ect. The Short Rider below is falling apart. The only difference I can think of is that she is in the corner. Any suggestions or recomendations? Should I get her out from the healthy ones? Peace

Flowering Problem Zoom 5-25 to 6-24 005.jpg


Staff member
ouff bird looks like you got a lot of issues going on
give some info though
ph, soil, nutes, watering sech, heat, humidity, ect

also close up photos would be nice, and also close up photos of the other plants leaves i seen something serious going on the other plants leaves too

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks sunni. Below are the other girls about 2 weeks short of done. You can see the prblem girls in the back of picture number 1. The plant in front of her is the same strain (Short Rider). Please advise...

Flowering 5-25 to 6-24 006.jpgFlowering 5-25 to 6-24 001.jpgFlowering 5-25 to 6-24 002.jpgFlowering 5-25 to 6-24 003.jpg

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey dank...I'm still trying to understand the Vacum system you linked us to yesterday. I like the idea of beading...will that affect the growth? Look at my first posting picture in this thread and tell me something dude. :wall:


Well-Known Member

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the spots...they wipe right off, just have'nt done it. The spots are from splashing water on them earlier in life and, being the dumb ass I am, I was using gal jugs that previously had nutes in it. I quit splashing. But I'm talking about the first picture in this thread. Please look at her and tell me something.


Staff member
I'm not worried about the spots...they wipe right off, just have'nt done it. The spots are from splashing water on them earlier in life and, being the dumb ass I am, I was using gal jugs that previously had nutes in it. I quit splashing. But I'm talking about the first picture in this thread. Please look at her and tell me something.
ill ask again
give us MORE info please
ph, soil, nutes, watering sech, heat, humidity, ect

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Sorry sunni, my bad. Soil is Fox Farms, water ph is always 6.0 and I unly use enough for that feeding or watering (rotated). Nutes that I use for flower, which is where this problem started, are awsome blossums, sugar daddy, B1 alieve, and magical. It's been in the low 90's for a week, but I keep air on them 24/7. I don't now on humidity. It's just this one plant. I'm confused...


Staff member
this is gunna seem like a simple question but does the air flow get to the back corner? and is it hotter back there? pH is a tad low should be 6.3-6.8


Well-Known Member
Hey dank...I'm still trying to understand the Vacum system you linked us to yesterday. I like the idea of beading...will that affect the growth? Look at my first posting picture in this thread and tell me something dude. :wall:
WOW!! I missed that 1 completly! I need glasses! Lol.. Well 2 be honest buddy, it could be a # of things.. she isn't looking to hot... What is your temps running :??: what's your ph levels :??: before & runoff :??: etc'... :??: I am kinda at a loss 4 words without alittle info buddy..

bird dog

Well-Known Member
She is in the opposite corner from output and does not get as much fan air as anyone else. Do you think that's my problem?


Staff member
WOW!! I missed that 1 completly! I need glasses! Lol.. Well 2 be honest buddy, it could be a # of things.. she isn't looking to hot... What is your temps running :??: what's your ph levels :??: before & runoff :??: etc'... :??: I am kinda at a loss 4 words without alittle info buddy..
Sorry sunni, my bad. Soil is Fox Farms, water ph is always 6.0 and I unly use enough for that feeding or watering (rotated). Nutes that I use for flower, which is where this problem started, are awsome blossums, sugar daddy, B1 alieve, and magical. It's been in the low 90's for a week, but I keep air on them 24/7. I don't now on humidity. It's just this one plant. I'm confused...
refresh before you post lol


Staff member
She is in the opposite corner from output and does not get as much fan air as anyone else. Do you think that's my problem?
i think you have a number of problems all contributing to the demise of the plant, can i ask why youre using so many different nutes?

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I think you and sunni are hitting the nail on the head on the heat issue. She is affect the most on lack of air flow. Should I go out and move her, or is it too late?