
I posted a week ago or so about my plant leaves yellowing and son on and i discovered that the ph of my runoff water was 7.7
how can i drop it down just a PH'd flush? the flower seems to be doing fine but the leaves are taking a beating. ALSO I WAS A DUMMY AND PUT THIS PLANT IN MIRACLE GROW and i know that was a big mistake .. but is there a way to save her? I watered her 2 days ago with a half gallon of R.O water PH'd at 6.2 with CAL-MAG no real changes

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Run off means nothing and is not a way to test ph of soil. Your MG soil has nutrient balls in it that release nutes when you water. You have nute burn among other issues. A do over is probably the best solution,IMO

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
I've never heard anybody say that runoff means nothing
ask ANYONE who knows about soil and they will tell you that measuring the water that runs thru your pot and collects at the bottom is waste of time. Especially since your soil ph changes as it dries, but you didn't know that,did you? and your problem is not ph related.

ACTUALLY, Here, i just typed into google, How to measure soil ph



You're not very helpful at all you're coming off more aggressive and rude than anything thanks for the try, I'm not oblivious to soil PH meters I'll ask somebody else thanks.

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
You're not very helpful at all you're coming off more aggressive and rude than anything thanks for the try, I'm not oblivious to soil PH meters I'll ask somebody else thanks.
um, ok, I offered help, you questioned my answer, i provided proof of my answer. Don't take my advise, i could careless


Well-Known Member
Well @InsoMnia90, it's obvious that there's some kind of nutrient thing going on and very well could be related to pH. People will say lots of stuff because everyone on here has a 10 inch dick, is an expert in politics, a renowned author and a UFC fighter...So, to offer my 10-inch-dick-advice, I'd say that you could go to the garden store or online and order some Dr Earth blueberry fertilizer and top dress your soil with a bit of it for a slow-release soil acidifier. Or, you could order some General Hydroponics "pH Down" (the orange stuff) and mix a drop or two into your watering container and just keep hitting your plants with a lower pH'd water....but go lightly on the pH Down stuff because just a tiny about will make the pH drop drastically...might be worth a try!

Good luck!

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
or,you could listen to shitty advise,good luck
Thanks man, some people are dicks. I figured watering it with pHd RO water at 5.8 at least it should lower the pH of the soil that guy before must have been a genius or something like that or you're right maybe he does have a 10 inch dick
you would know,cocksucker

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Well @InsoMnia90, it's obvious that there's some kind of nutrient thing going on and very well could be related to pH. People will say lots of stuff because everyone on here has a 10 inch dick, is an expert in politics, a renowned author and a UFC fighter...So, to offer my 10-inch-dick-advice, I'd say that you could go to the garden store or online and order some Dr Earth blueberry fertilizer and top dress your soil with a bit of it for a slow-release soil acidifier. Or, you could order some General Hydroponics "pH Down" (the orange stuff) and mix a drop or two into your watering container and just keep hitting your plants with a lower pH'd water....but go lightly on the pH Down stuff because just a tiny about will make the pH drop drastically...might be worth a try!

Good luck!
just what his MG soil, nute burned plants needs,more nutes, fucking great advise,LMFAO

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Whether or not you can grow the best plants on the world doesn't give you the right or any reason to be so arrogant and a giant dick to anybody so stop being a giant dick you don't need to post on this thread
Oh, I was trying to help and you pulled the attitude,not me, so now, I will fuck up your worthless thread,just for the fun of it


Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry @InsoMnia90. Yeah, actually the problem IS your MG soil. I must have been high when I skimmed over your initial post. I don't know HOW I missed that point! :) Sorry! Yeah...ya dun goofed with the MG!

Honestly...ust try to pH your water with some pH Down and see if that helps!

Live and learn, brother!