Bad Yellowing/Wilting on All Fan Leaves? Help! Pics Inside



First time grower, growing "cheese" in coco coir with canna nutes, always ph at 6.0

Yellowing started about 2 weeks into flower an i didnt really know what to think of it, now on day 2 of week 5 the leaves gradually get more and more yellow and then just shrivel up and fall off?

To top it off the crop also has thrips witch im trying to get rid of atm but i have no idea were this yellowing is coming from?

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
That's a N def bro. It's normal for it to happen at the later stages of flowrering just start flushing next week


Well-Known Member
Towards the middle to end of flowering stages, the plant will show a nitrogen deficiency almost always. This is completely normal as I said and just have to let the plant naturally yellow out as it uses it's stored nutrients. DO NOT use nitrogen to fix the problem, the yellowing leaves will drop off after the plant is done with them.


Well-Known Member
I don't know a shitload about coco, but I can tell you that that's a calmag issue. Go thru this checklist and youll find your problem. Check ph of coco (if thats possible?) check ph of water, have you ever flushed, how strong are your nutes, are you using RO water, are you supplementing with calmag if needed? Is coco acidic or alkaline. Looks like you either have a calmag lockout or a calmag def usually due to ph issues. Answer those questions and you'll find your problem..