badly burned , advice please


Active Member
My plants in week 5 of flower and been giving them dutch pro a +b bloom plus explode and cal mag every other feed . Looks like bad nute burn, lost most the fans and had to trim the worst leaf damage. curling and yellowing ,spotting, crispy ect, think av been feeding them too often. Dont have a ph meter and got a 5 litre watering can so everything is measured out with syringes . How often do you give your plants bloom nutrients and if any one is using the same shit as me , whats your regeme, any advice would be gratefully received as in how much and how often . cannot upgrade my setup or buy anything until these are finished . Think i am over doing things. Forced defoliation , buds are fine tho. epsom salted them about 4 days ago so am hopefull things will be ok .


Well-Known Member
you need a ph meter because the ph is one of the most important things , and flush them with water without nutrients