Bag Seed For The Win.


Active Member
So i got a 3 ft grow box with cfl and a month baby heres my grow so farjohns 101.jpgjohns 103.jpg
.sept 25..This is after a weel from seed already could tell it needed some love from the yellowing. As much as i didnt want to use miracle grow i didnt really have much of a choice
johns 106.jpg.this is it on the 27th already starting to get big fast. fed it some mg today

This is my resolts of mg sept 30. nice and green just loving life. started some lst.johns 110.jpgjohns 112.jpg



Active Member
shes about a month old now topped once, using lst still feeding miracle grow everyother water day and shes doing wonderfull those picture above are a span of about a week so about oct 5 they were taken.
The picutres below were taken oct 10 shes doing great starting to get so bushy its hard to even find good branches to fold.

johns 120.jpgjohns 123.jpgjohns 122.jpgjohns 121.jpg


Active Member
here she is on the 15th doing great but getting big. i was thinking of forcing flower now, do you think its a good time?johns 127.jpgjohns 126.jpg


Active Member
here she is on the 15th doing great but getting big. i was thinking of forcing flower now, do you think its a good time?View attachment 1837772View attachment 1837771
Your plant looks great. Has it shown it's sex yet? Any preflowers? My grow started with 12 seeds I found in a dust filled drawer. They all popped. Had them in the humidity dome outsie this past June. Killed em all by cooking in the dome, duh. All except 1..... She was a female and I'm blown away at what that unknown bagseed is doing for me!! Follow my sig link to see her. another week or so and she's finished. At 28 days veg, no signs of sexual orientation..I through her into flower, and got lucky. It could of been 5-6 wasted weeks.. I would take and cover one branch for 12 hrs a day and force it to show what in it's pants. That way, the rest of plant will continue to grow and mature in veg without having to wait for the true 12/12 cycle. Saves you some precious grow time. Good luck


Active Member
Nice plants!!! The decision of when to flower your plants depends on how big you want them to get. Bigger plants require more light to grow properly, with CFLs I wouldn't go more than 3-4 weeks of veg at the most.


Active Member
thanks for the quick responces, plant has shown sex if you look at where i topped it. im a proud dad after going through 5 males this summer :(. plants about a month and a week old. ill def take some more pictures of better quality show you whats going on in there lights on 18/6


Active Member
would it be ok to transplant while changing cycles? like if i put it in a new pot while it was flowering, when should i switch from veg nutes to flower nutes


Well-Known Member
mixed questions... alright ill try and answer if i understood this correct
you can transplant it whenever, but id say its best to transplant one last time right before you switch the light cycles so you dont have dirt in your buds. I would switch to your bloom and flower nutes right when they start showing sex, they will start the cycle quicker. I think thats about what you were asking. but yeah you can really transplant whenever, I have transplanted a sprout less than a week old.


Active Member
alright. im going to transplant into a bigger pot todasy, the one is already shwing sex so should i start feeding once i change to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
showing sex? I thought it was a bag seed? Id give it bloom nutes when i see white hairs finally come out of the top of the nodes. you have an idea of what the seeds came out of?


Active Member
well a buddy gave them to me said they came from a batch that was grown locally, one of my friends grew one and it looked amazing and smelt great so im hopeing for some decent product.. is it weird that it would be showing sex already?


Well-Known Member
usually it takes a few days to show sex after flipping the lights thats all, maybe they were fem seeds who knows... haha doesnt matter man, if theyre showing sex id give a little bloom


Active Member
i see little white hairs, and its starting to smell for sure but ill wait it out i just flipped everything so ill post some progress in the next couple of days