Bagseed plant stunned growth


Active Member
hey guys so this seed was planted in soil on may 3, so it over a month old under a 600w mh/hps dimmable ballast running at 250w. so it is growing very slow it was rootbound a few weeks ago and i transplanted it to a 4gallon pot, then i starting to notice brown tips on the leaves. and that nute burn leaf was from it first feeding and its only one so far was on week 3.
Do you have any ideas my soil is a little dry but still a little moist, im gonna be running a big flush through my soil in a day or so, i only have a few holes on bottom of pot and it been like 10 day since transplant and i havent had to water yet but it close. i think i have very bad drainge.
And to be honest im not worried about if it growing slow i just wanna know if there is any problem cause im currently growing 2 autos on day 12 and i need them to finish before i flower this if its a female.



Well-Known Member
feed less, more often. i use nutes every time i water, up to the 2nd to last week before harvest.

get bigger pots too, use more nutes. i wouldnt say its got nute burn, its kinda bright colored for it to have a nitrogen toxicity. id up the micro nutes too, and raise the light.


Active Member
it looks as if it needs a good drink m8,and you need to get yer drainage sorted . whats your ph like ?