Balancing ph level in soil


2nd harvest and I need to step my game up. Got CO2 system and new stuff, i'm now looking for an electronic PH tester on eBay.
Should i go with the water tester and test before watering?
Or go with the soil PH tester?


Active Member
Kinda hard to say. Because you want to be able to test your PH with what nuts and salts and so on is already in the soil. So runoff does need to be tested as well as the water going into the soil. i personally just use the liquid test kits with the liq up and down. I have used it so much that when i use tap water i dont even need to test. I kno i need to had a certin about of PH down already. GL


So test the runoff? I could do that with a digital gauge right?
If thats generally the best I will go that route, thanks!
I just thought cuz i only do soil a soil tester would be good... But thats why I asked. So who thinks soil testers are better, if anyone?


Well-Known Member
reqarding this question iff my run out watter is at 5ph and the watter getting in at 7. should i put my in watter a bit more high on the ph chart so the run out gets on 6.5?
im new to this meassuring the ph.