Balcony question?


This will be my *counting in head* 4th grow and first LEGAL :smile:) I picked up 5 AMS feminized from Greenhouse. I didn't choose this strain for a specific reason really I was just overwhelmed by choices and had to make up my mind. I'm originally from the Midwest so I figure if I go back there Anti-Mold genetics will come in handy. I paper toweled three of the little girls setting two aside in case i just absolutely love it. They are currently on day 3, I forgot how much patience this requiressssssssssss. I'll post pics when its worthwhile. I had a perfect white washed closet for them to go into but I was wondering what the opinion was on natural sunlight. I have a nice glassed in balcony that gets about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day and plenty of ambient when its not directly hitting it.

1.I guess I am looking for some advice on how much to utilize the balcony if at all. I will be using CFLs when not because HPS and MH are too much of an investment for me right now.

2. My goal is to have them in jars no later than May 20th. That means cutting on the 13-15.
I have exactly 74 days and they are just now 5 days old.
My question is how much can I expect from vegging just two more weeks and then flowering for 60 days?