Ballot initiative filed in Massachusetts for medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
A ballot initiative has been filed in Massachusetts to allow for state regulated medical Marijuana access. The initiative will require approval and then 69,000 signatures from registered voters.

Several articles have come out today suggesting the initiative is merely a means to get the legislature to pass MA SB 1161 (HB 625).

One thing I see is the initiative is slightly different than the proposed bill. Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong but the initiative would only allow cancer, aids patients etc to access the drug through state regulated dispensaries. The bill mentions debilitating diseases and conditions as well as a patient's ability to grow their own plants like other states.

To me this is a confusing matter. I've read other states allowing such things as chronic pain sufferers being awarded a card by a doctor. I've also read there are many opponents of this. Hard to believe with Massachusetts being the most liberal state.

Here are a few of the very clear and present problems with medical Marijuana in Massachusetts. I believe it discriminates against those who could use Marijuana in place of pain killers and certainly alcohol. The latter of which causes many health problems and burdens the state's budget(healthcare costs, law enforcement cost, domestic problems etc). Which leads to the other problem. How exactly is a free healthcare state going to regulate and dispense Marijuana without raising taxes? Are the cancer patients really going to fork over $1000/oz? Are tax payers going to pay for Marijuana?

Either way I find it very disturbing that Marijuana has been deemed only good for those with a handful of conditions when Marijuana can treat a wide range of conditions. If I understand the ballot question right(I see fog and grey areas and I'm not overly too familiar with other state's MM laws)I will certainly be voting against it.

I'm a Libertarian and do not agree with such discrimination.