Ban Penises Stop Rape..........Harvey Weinstein Harassment Claims Put Obamas, Clintons in Tough Spot

Hollywood Reporter? Woodward started there, didn't he?

It's interesting, even with everything else going on, both CNN and MSNBC are reporting (and reporting critically) on Weinstein. Every program has dedicated a segment to Weinstein this morning. Fox never does that when the embarrassment is on their side (and I'm not even taking about fatass Ailes or fathead O'Reilly here). They ignore it, or casually and quickly dismiss it. Thanks for providing a reminder about the false equivalency when comparing MSNBC or CNN to FNC.

I guess you thought you had a good point.
you voted for a guy who has settled multiple rape lawsuits and was caught on tape describing exactly how he rapes women.
of course you know I don't choose to vote, my right and fact have never voted and won't, how bout them apples....
How come I get the special attention, where is your stream of consciousness you usually grace us with....blabber blabber yammer yammer